Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Salary


         Beep Beep..Rohit’s heartbeat also pounded when he listened to the message tone in his mobile.Yes; there came the most awaited message of his life. His 1st salary got credited. He opened the message with joy and finally there was 5digit balance in his account for the 1st time. He experienced the so called tears of happiness which he had seen only in Movies. Like every youngster it was his turn for a showoff and he proudly texted in his whatsapp group of friends “Hey guys, As promised today my treat at the Avenue, the costliest restaurant in the heart of the city .See you all @8 “.Till now he had gone only for treats and never gave one and he felt that was the most proudest moment for young men like him and Rohit left office to go and book the tables.
                He reached exactly opposite to the Avenue and suddenly his gaze fell upon an innocent face peeping out of a grill gate. A small kid was busy watching Avenue. That was not a special scene but still those eyes made his heart freeze and rewinded his memory tape. Down the memory lane there was a kid named Rohit who used to stare out of his orphanage Gate to see how the world outside looked like. What different dresses people wore and food they ate.He used to see friends going to the restaurant and order the most yummiest of foods.Once it happened when he decided to be shameful and asked a guy outside the gate to buy him one of his favorite ice creams. The bad words he heard from that guy caused a wound in his little heart which resulted in sleepless nights.And that was when he realized that he had made a mistake.It was not supposed to be this way.Then he didn’t need a second thought for him to pick his mobile and texted his friend “Sorry Guys, treat is cancelled due to personal emergency” and opened the orphanage gate.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Love,so Eternal

       , my fingers were moving at the speed of light while typing those words. Yes eagerness can make things move faster challenging science. My eyes got a special glow when I finally saw a friend request from my teammate Ashwin. Here comes the handsome guy in a dashing white shirt with denim jeans, a smile mixed with shyness and decorated with a cute dimple appeared on my face seeing his profile picture. Staring at that photo so many moments flashed on my mind starting from the day we met. It was during a quarrel with the manager regarding some coding work that 1st I saw him. With a charming smile he was supporting me in front of manager. Thanks to Java for the 1st time I thought, because of which I could meet Ashwin. He had recently joined my team and had a magic on his smile with which he could get close to anyone as he wishes. Our friendship grew with a cup of coffee and that slowly became a routine. We shared all kind of stupid conversations during that coffee break. Slowly friendship grew with bike rides. He started dropping me at house daily. Now friendship has turned to something special and am I into some addiction a slight fear lightened on my mind while rewinding all those moments I had with Ashwin. Living each and every day, seeing daily It was a simple friendship. But when combining each day and reading as a single story am I into some dilemma? Suddenly the bell rang…
Mommmmmmm, my kid started screaming."Nehaaaaa, Sweetheart open the door I am tired". Yes, that is my husband and kid who loves me more than 100’s of Ashwin’s. What has happened to me, I was in a shock. There was no need for any second thought for me to click that delete request and ran to hug my kid. I said Sorry to my husband giving him a warm hug. He kissed my forehead and told, "It’s ok dear why sorry and all for a little delay in opening door, I love you". I am back to my world which I will never leave for any happiness I decided.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I’m dedicating this post to all the women who came across my life and not

Life starts with sleeping with all the warmth, our sweet mom gives during our 1st day on earth, on the hospital bed. Life progress when our dad lifts us to reach out the moon and catches back when we falls likes raindrop back to his hands. Life teaches ,when we shares a small piece of chocolate with our sister and again fights for the bigger piece..

Mom, dad, sister…the three sided triangle, will be our whole world till we join school. Then our world will change to something else. It starts with 100, stays 50, reduces to 10 and ends with 1.Yes, they are friends. All, most important and very special days, the day we comes out from mom's womb,1st day at school, marriage day, take any important day..tears will accompany you that day for sure. First day at school ,i don't know how many still remembers that day. Whether we remember or not it is a very special day in our lives.

Up to 7th or 8th std everything happens will be same for all. But after that our gang decides what you are. Will start commending on handsome guys. Will easily fall in love and at the same time will study for our old triangle world. When it comes to 10th,a gal proves who she is by studying, studying and studying like anything.

One quarter of a gals life completes there. The next phase probably is not so fair because of carrier deciding pressure, from all the sides. Still we will get time to commend on all guys sitting in front of us in the tuition classes. To wake up early morning go and yawning in some other house is what is known as +2 tuition .This is 1st phase of life any girl could seriously fall in love with someone and find someone more important than herself will probably won’t last more than 2 years.

The next phase which is the very important life is where a gal starts to recognize her own character. Surely whether for boys or girls, college life is too important. Rather than hanging out with friend, to be in love, to get a job and all something special is there. This is here you will find some whom you will give every rights to love, hurt, hug, share, care and all which she may not have given to her parents also.They are our college friends.This is here you will try to learn there is some differences between friends also. There are some with whom you can’t stay away from, there are some whom you just like to sit and crack jokes. They comment on our makeup, will come for shopping, and do pranks over there. I will tell frankly for girls if you want to really know what is independent life, to know how fun it is to walk, enjoy, talk and to be yourself and do whatever you want and to live not to satisfy anyone then you should really study in a women’s college. This is the only place in the whole life of a girl where she decides, she rules and she dominates.

Getting into job is where she starts to learn seriously about life. This is where she starts to learn how to adjust to situations. But she won’t know all the golden phases which passed by will become just memories and the deadline is just near to her one she gets into job. Yes this is where the fear of marriage comes. We can’t stop this as it is also just like another law of nature.

MARRIAGE… is always said that marriage is every gals dream. Supposed to be the most important day in every gals life. A beautiful dream which everyone loves to have. Ya it is true up to a certain point in life. When it really comes up to parents searching for a guy who has to take care of her for the rest of her life, it is a different feeling. Every girl may have a second thought that better had a lover instead of marrying a complete stranger.

This is where we will start thinking, to be a guy was better. He grows with his parents, he lives with his parents and he can continue living with his parents the rest of his life. All a girl can do is to pray not to get a hard hearted smoker or drinker. It is hard to leave our house where we started our journey and reached where we are know, it is harder to leave our room which has seen our tears, happiness, heard our own music composition, which has seen our stupid dance, our fashion show, our dreams and all which no one else has never seen before. Above all these things it is much harder to go to a completely different place and live in a completely different house with a stranger and his family members. I must say, you guys are really lucky that you will get a partner without losing anything.

Where our marriage dreams starts to spoil is when some people whom we have never seen comes and starts bargaining for us in front of our world, our parents who are supposed to give all there life to them. This is where we will start wondering our life has the value of 100pounds of gold, latest model cars and acres of lands. The funniest part is even parents won’t be able to know this much valuable life will end up in right hands or not until the next day after marriage.

Finally marriage will be fixed with some guy with good job and our parents think can take care of us better than them, which anyway no one can. The rest of the days will be colorful again with phone calls and sweet messages. And finally the day comes which is the most important, special and at the same time the most difficult and saddest day. The guy will tie a knot which makes us get out of the triangle life where we slept with our mother and played with our father, fought with of sister, it makes us get out of the colorful life where we hanged out with friends, we cried on friends shoulder, we hugged tightly when unexpectedly passing university exams, gets out of the world where we do tons of shopping with our own gets out of us from everything and makes us completely his.

To my best knowledge, up to this every gals life is almost same. The rest is decided by the family where she goes to, the guy she is married to. Lucky are ones who gets a guy who takes care of her and never give a chance to miss whatever she had. Unlucky are some who has to bare horrible smell of alcohol and cigarette. Whatever god decides for her, she will adjust, whoever is her husband, she will gift him the most precious gift, a new life. She will live for her husband, she will die for her child, she will look after her in-laws, and she will take care of everything whether she gets the best or worst. She is WOMEN, the backbone of every family, who forgets her life and lives for someone who is totally different for her. As a mother, sister, friend, lover, and wife which ever role she plays, only she can complete it with full perfection. PROUD TO BE A WOMEN.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Tringgggggggg!!!! Uh, both my Samsung and Sony Ericsson started yelling as if there was an alarm ringing competition going on. It was a cold Friday morning. I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and looked at my phones. Oh God its 6:30 am and I have to be there at college at 8am.mmm enough time is there. I slowly went to brush my teeth and turned my PC on. As usual I logged into my orkut profile. After checking scraps, community topics etc with half mind, I went to and searched for the name IBM…yeah got it. Read about the company profile just like reading an essay 1 minute before entering the examination hall.

Yes, today is a special day; IBM is coming to our college as part of campus recruitement.About 7:30am I started searching for my dress from a heap of dresses. Finally I got the dress which I thought, was very unlucky for me. But there was no time left for me to search for another one. I got ready and recognized the fact that it was raining outside. I really love rain.But that day I was angry with rain since I had to commute by dad’s bike. Somehow, I reached my college at 8am.It was raining heavily at that time and LBS was looking gorgeous in that rain.Only a few were there at that time. Yeah that is LBTians, for someone to arrive at 9am you have to set the time as 8am.Some were studying and some others chatting with their friends.

I sat near Vidhuna and Shiny. As soon as she saw me, Vidhuna started narrating the dream she saw last night.The dream was funny as always, but luckily there was no Surya, Jothika or Karthi in that dream.It was something like rowdies chasing her while on her way to college. It was really funny. After that I waited for my remaining friends to arrive.82 students were about to attend the test.90% of the students there were already placed and the rest 10%, included me also.I was still very sleepy. I wanted to get knocked out of the test as always and go to home and have a sound sleep.

Since it was IBM, I had no hope and so studied nothing. Sofia, Sangeetha, Shiny and me sat together in a row.Finally some of the senior employees from IBM came.They started their presentation.The presentation was boring as usual.The sad part for me was that it was raining heavily outside and I was sitting below a fan which was running at its maximum speed.I heard nothing what they told and was shivering due to cold.As soon as the boring presentation was over their test started.

The test was well organized. Three questions inside one envelope was given to all of us. The test was just like doing some puzzles. Three sections were there like data matrix, number series and quantitative. We were asked to solve 20 questions in 4minutes and all. I did only 2 questions from quantitative but managed to do maximum from the other two sections. Finally the test was over. I spent half of the time looking at my watch.

The result for the test was about to announced within 40mins but it took 1.50 hours. We waited near the seminar hall. Finally the result was announced. I was shocked to hear my name because I didn’t expect that.Luckily 4 of us passed the test.The next phase was group discussion. There were 11 in each group.Sangeetha was the 1st number in our group and me 2nd.Two topics were given to our group and we were asked to select one. The topics were 33% reservation for women in parliament, whether you support or not? And money makes man irresponsible. We selected the 1st topic.First of all he wanted all of us to speak about the topic for a minute.As I was the 2nd number I was very tensed.Sangeetha as usual spoke really good.Next was my turn I started speaking with my shivering sound but later managed to speak well.After that he wanted us to have a real group discussion. Fortunately I got a chance to speak again in that discussion.

We waited for the group discussion result near the seminar hall eating milk bikies ;).Group discussion result was out and again 4 of us,me,sangu,shiny and sofi cleared the GD.They were already placed,but I was going to attend my 1st job interview. I sat there wondering what was happening. We were given half an hour lunch break and also asked to take Photostat of id card.Within half an hour we managed to do many things. Had our lunch and again rushed back to seminar hall.We were shocked to hear that they were asking to write programs of pointers and all in C++. We managed to get our old C textbooks and scanned through the book. At that time poornima came and informed me that mine is the last number,ie I was a little relieved. Time passed just like that and finally 1 was remaining and that was me.

While standing near the door I don’t know what all things passed through my mind. Poornima stood near me and gave some interview tips.Finally I was called for the interview.The interviewer was a good and friendly person.The first question he shot at me was to introduce myself. I started introducing myself and I was shivering while telling the 1st sentence. So after finishing the introduction he asked me whether I was tensed. I don’t know why on earth I told him that I was excited since it was my 1st job interview and that I was not at all tensed :O.Hearing this statement he laughed which made me laugh with him. He again wanted me to accept the fact that I was tensed. But I repeated that it was due to excitement. Then he went through my resume and started asking me about my miniproject.

Now comes the funniest part of my interview. He asked a lot about my miniproject and I gave him answers which satisfied him but the answers all were my imaginations. Then he asked me why I had done my project in java? I answered him, “we did our project during our 6th semester. At that time we had just started studying java and I WANTED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT JAVA, so I did it in java”. How come I told him that, that particular project was available only in java in the institution where I had done it? Instead I told him an answer which I had never imagined even in my dreams. He asked me to write some database query related to my project.Again I wrote some query and I wondered when he put a tick mark near it.

The final question was why I didn’t go for some other company. I replied that I had attended infosys test and I didn’t get through the test. Uh, then he wanted me to explain why I didn’t get through that test. I gave an answer which was horrible as far as my friends and I were concerned, but which impressed my interviewer. I replied,” That time I just went through some equations and without working out any problem I went for the test. So I was not able to manage time well.Later I worked out many problems, and prepared for this test and I was able to manage time well and got through the test”. But the truth was totally against this. I had prepared well for infy test and hadn’t prepared for IBM test.

It was 4:45 by that time. It was raining outside and we were asked to sit inside the seminar hall.The result was announced in alphabetical order.Sangeetha, Shiny and Sofia were announced. I held tightly the cross I had with me. And finally I heard Ramachandran sir announcing my name. Words can’t express the feelings I went through that time. I looked towards my interviewer and smiled. I am sorry sir but I was supposed to tell some lies, otherwise you wouldn’t have selected me :)

Me,sofi,sangu and shiny were one project group and now we 4 got the same job also. I’m happy that we are together. We got the IBM offer letter and that special moment is one of my most unforgettable moments. I always wanted to work as a govt employee and I hated software field. But I recognized the fact that whatever job u do, your 1st job is always special. And IBM is always special for me and the date 11/6/10 is always special which made me feel proud when I looked into my dad’s eyes and gave him my offer letter.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Life Journey

The crystal flower vase broke into pieces. O God, what is going on? It seemed like a bomb blast going on inside my house. I could hear the sound of Sneha breaking her bedroom mirror which her papa specially bought for her from Agra. I couldn’t withstand the voice of my only daughter shouting “I’ll die!!”. I could feel the pain in her words. She was crying for hours and hours.

“Sneha, please open the door. Please don’t make your mom cry. Please open the door my dear". I kept on knocking at her bedroom door. Finally Sneha opened the door. I was shocked to see my daughter in such a pathetic condition. Her white face turned reddish,mixed with tears and sweat, with shivering lips and eyes with no more tears left.

Suddenly it happened. She hugged me and cried, “Maa, please agree for my marriage with Peter. Please maa, I love him more than myself. I cannot live without him. I will die if he is not mine. Please agree for my marriage maa. Tell papa to agree. I can’t live without you and papa. But I need him too. Please maa…” . I stood speechless. I could feel the pain of part of myself, my daughter Sneha. I asked her only that single day for her mumma to think and she was ready to give me her whole lifetime.

That day I went to bed with thousands of questions in my mind. I know, if I take a decision her papa will give his full support. But what about the society. What about our relatives. Sneha is from a high class Brahmin family with high family status. We will be isolated by the society if they got married. O God what will I decide. Slowly I closed my eyes and my mind started to depart from me. It traveled back..30 years back….my school days.

Maya, the best student, first in studies, music, dance. Yes me Maya, the beautiful girl with lots of talent and daughter of one of the richest man in the society. The only thing that could drive me mad was Madhavan. Yes I was a great madhavan fan and ready to do anything to meet her favorite actor – simply a die hard fan of madhavan. It was during my 10th standard a new admission came to our school, but not in my class. The 1st day I met him was during our Onam exam. He sat near me. It was our last exam before the most awaited Onam vacation. When I 1st saw him, I don’t know what force made me attracted to him. I kept on watching him.

The exams were over. The 10 days vacation started. I was not interested to play with my cousins, not interested in sadhya or even pookalam. The only thing in my mind was his face. But that time I don’t’ know anything about him, even his name. The only thing I knew was that this is what is known as infatuation. Only because he looked like madhavan I got attracted to him. Really childish. I know every teenage girl will be die hard fan of some celebrities. What will result after meeting a guy with same face cut will be an uncontrolled mind which happened in my case too. I was longing to go back to school.

Finally our school reopened. The marks were good as usual. Everyone was busy to compete with their classmates to grab away the rank. But I was searching for the face which made my mind out of control. Finally I found his division.

Days & months passed by. I got only a few chances to talk with him. Every moment with him was a treasure for me. But the only details I got were his name (Rohit Mathew) and his hobbies. Later I found him singing on our school day celebration. So the new detail was that he is a singer. The SSLC exams were about to start by that time. I started forgetting the stupid infatuation and started concentrating on my studies. The exams were over. I wanted to have a final talk with Rohit on the farewell day. But with pain I accepted the fact that he didn’t come to attend the farewell party.

Only after finishing the school days and the vacation started I recognized the fact that I was missing him like hell and it was not simply an infatuation. But now, the only thing left for me to do was to cry. I cried several nights and tried to forget him, which was a useless effort. After 2 months, another important phase of my life started. The higher secondary education which is gonna decide my future. I prayed hard to get an admission where Rohit is about to join. I don’t even know his phone number. I was longing to tell him that I love him.

+1 & +2 school days were colorful. Lots of new and good friends. Also that time tuition class meant everything for students. I and friends went to the same tuition class for maths, physics and chemistry. There I met lots of handsome guys. But the only face I searched was that of Rohit’s and the only name I wanted to hear was Rohit. I didn’t tell any of my friends about this, as I was not sure about whether I am so stupid to search for a guy everywhere I went. But I don’t know why I held him same in my heart.

Now years passed after I met Rohit. I entered my college life. Many of my friends had boyfriends that time and I had many boys as friends and they remained only as friends. I was not able to love anyone else other than Rohit. I felt the real meaning of true love by that time. It is not necessary that the person whom you love should be within your eyesight all the time. Also true love happens only once in a lifetime. Some will recognize it and succeeds. Some will misunderstand it as crush or infatuation. Also when we meet the one meant for us it is not necessary to talk with him to form a bond between hearts. Once the bond forms it is really hard to break and the pain is up to death.

6 years passed after I 1
st met Rohit. I liked many guys to whom I got attracted. But it was simply an attraction, not real love and had only short lifespan. I don’t know why I’m still waiting for him to tell my love. By that time I had a vague picture of his face in my mind. After all, I have seen him only 5 or 6 times. Now 6 years passed and the only 2 things I knew were that his name is Rohit and I still love him, searching for him, waiting for him .I started searching for him in social networks like orkut, facebook etc. But every time it ended up in tears. My college days were over. My parents started searching for a suitable partner for me. With tears I allowed them to do so. There was no other choice for me.

One day I accidentally saw his pic on facebook. My heartbeat increased, my hands became ice cold. I sat in front of my PC for hours like that. I don’t know the name of emotion I had that time, happy or sad or something else, after I saw the profile name as Rohit Mathew. I wanted to scan his profile completely but my dad started shouting my name. I was supposed to attend a marriage that day with my dad and I was getting late. Also my dad was thrilled to meet his friend whose son was about to wed that day.

The whole way I was dreaming about how to introduce myself to him after all the years. I don’t want to lose him this time. I wanted to tell him about the girl who was waiting for him all these years. He will become shocked. But I was also worried whether he has an affair with someone else. No, how can fate play with my emotions anymore. I was smiling and waiting for that special moment of proposing him.

We were a little late because of me. That was the 1st time I’m attending a Christian wedding. I was angry because the prayers and ceremonies took long duration of time. Also the couple stood facing the priest. Otherwise I would have time pass watching the bride’s ornaments. The photo section started soon after the weeding. We were also asked to take a photo with the newly married couple. It was at that time I recognized the fact that the groom was none other than Rohit.

Smile please, the photographer asked me. Smile??? What does it mean? I stood paralyzed near Rohit while taking his marriage photo. How could I smile? The pain was horrible. The guy whom I loved, whom I waited for all these years stood beside me and his wife smiled at me. Even my tears hesitated to come out. Was it my mistake that I didn’t tell him my love on time or it was a mistake done by fate? I felt like the whole world is spinning with an unusual speed.

Smile please….the photographer again shouted at me. “Maa, what are you thinking? Smile na, it’s your daughter’s marriage” Sneha smiled at me holding my hand tightly. I looked into her eyes. “Nothing dear, I was just thinking about you” I told with my trembling voice.

Yes I agreed my daughter’s wish to marry the one she loves. I don’t want my daughter to suicide only because she loved someone. Love is always divine. It should not end up in pain and blood. I don’t want Sneha to feel the pain I felt long time ago. I don’t want her to shed tears lifelong only because she came from my womb. I’m proud that I am not giving my child to a Christian or a Hindu or a Muslim, but to the one who loves my child and the one whom she loves too.

I smiled, this time with my whole heart, with no tears, but full of happiness….

MAYA, 06-09-2036

***u may feel that there are some unwanted elements like madhavan and +1,+2 school days...but i thnk without these the story is incomplete...;)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

LuV LeTtEr

"My dear dearest neha,i know you will be half surprised and half shocked reading this letter, that too from me .But I think I am too late Now a days I am not able to look into your eyes while talking to you. Maybe I am feeling guilty. You were with me all the times, whether good or bad .I always feel proud when you hold my hands, when you walk with me, even when I utter your name. There is no one in this world who understands me more than you neha .I never want to miss you in my life. I need you not as my life partner but as my life itself…luv you a lot neha…waiting for your reply…yours nithin “—feb 14 09
“Uh, who the hell he thinks about himself. Or he suddenly turned mad “- while tearing the paper into pieces, millions of questions ran through her mind. With her face fuming to red, restless mind and burning heart she went to her bed. But while closing her eyes, instead of darkness the only thing she could see was some endless questions and nithin’s face, just like a snowman with dark deep eyes and his sweet killing smile..the lady killer of their college.
“Yes, from 1st year onwards me and nithin are best friends. We walk together, eat together, study together, hang out together..But everything only because we are best friends. But love!!!O God, how could he forget that he is Nithin KRISHNA and I am Neha GEORGE”. With all these thoughts she closed her eyes tightly. Neha even didn’t send him the daily gn sd message. But she was staring at her mobile waiting for his message, and this was what nithin did at the other side also. After all ego is just like drinking a bitter guard juice with sugar.

Next morning she woke up with a slight headache. The only thing she had in her mind was nithin’s words “You were with me all the time, whether good or bad”. Yes I was with him every time. Then how can I make him alone when he needs me. Maybe this is the magic of human mind. When you try to forget or try to be angry with anyone, then only you can feel the depth of love and care you have for that person. Yes there is nothing wrong in loving nithin. With this decision and a silly smile she got up from her bed.

From there onwards the days were rainbow colored. Airtel Company should be the first one to thank nithin for proposing neha. They walked together in the rain, shared the same ice-cream scoop as all other lovers did. And finally this 3rd year engineering students got promoted to 4th year. By that time the affair got pretty famous in the campus. After all many girls were damn jealous to neha since she had the hottest guy who own the costly bike and son of a business tycoon. At the same time guys were also jealous to nithin who had the beauty contest winner, the gal who owned the most romantic smile which can turn any guy crazy and all daughter of the famous politician, as his girlfriend.

Since it was the final year they decided to share all the moments together. They went for films, to parks, restaurants and they were always seen together. Finally the college day reached, the final working day of their college for the final years. It seemed like a Christmas night with celebrations, songs, dance and everything. The college day celebrations were scheduled from evening 6pm to 11.Nithin was with his gang of friends and looked stunning in his white shirt and blue denim jeans. While enjoying with his friends his eyes were searching for his love, Neha.

The cultural events started at 8:30pm.While the skit by the famous mexians were going on, his eyes suddenly caught up with a gal in a black saree. Yes it was neha. Nithin was confused on seeing her serious and why she didn’t come to him till then. Suddenly it started raining. He held her hands tightly and ran to the canteen block for shelter.
While standing beside neha, he watched her carefully. Raindrops where drifting from her hair. Her eyes shined like diamonds in the light. Her lips were shivering due to cold. She looked hot in the black saree, Also the perfume, the song everything all of a sudden made him mad. He wanted to tightly hug and kiss her that moment. He couldn’t control himself. He hugged her suddenly and it happened within seconds that something hardly hit on his head.

With lots of pain he opened his eyes.suraj, manu, siddarth, karthi, all his friends were there except his love neha. Also he recognized the fact that he was not in his college canteen but in his bedroom with lots of bandages. He wanted to ask about neha but the pain didn’t allow him to utter a word. Later he came to know from his friends what happened that day. On college day the chief guest was the CheifMinister of the state and neha’s dad who was also a minister accompanied him so that he could pick his daughter from there. That is why neha didn’t come to talk to him that day. When he hugged her at the canteen, her dad was there with his brother who was the commissioner of the city, and it was he who hit nithin on his head.

1month passed with medicines and advices from friends. But no calls or messages from neha.His heart was longing to meet neha.Finally he decided to meet neha's friend.He was shocked to hear that Neha is going to marry another guy.His heart was broken into pieces.He could felt just an empty space instead of his heart along with a pain of someone thrashing it into pieces.The pain was horrible.Soon after that one day he got an invitation letter from neha. He was shocked to know that after 1 week neha is getting married to another guy that also on the same day he proposed neha. It took 4 days for nithin to recover from the shock. Finally on the next day, with tears he decided to attend her marriage.

He stood in front of the statue of Jesus for 5 mins. Memories were killing him that time. He saw neha from a distance. She looked stunning as usual in her white saree with silver stone works, and also with all the happiness a bride should have. But he had no guts to see another man replacing his position .till the last moment he was expecting her to stop the marriage and return back to him. Ha, the gal who punched his heart with her words and smile is now holding someone else’s hand. The worst scene any lover could watch.

The marriage was over and someone handed a letter to neha. She opened and went through it.
“Hello Mrs.Neha Paul, our relationship started with a letter like this on the same day last year. So I decided to end it with a letter. When I saw you holding Mr. Paul’s hand, many sweet memories flashed through my mind. One day you held my hand here in this same church with no crowds and priest. That day you told me that I meant your life. But that day you held my hand to leave it. I wish you will never leave the hand you held today.
I want to thank you for inviting me. Here I met the real gal meant for me by god, whom he wanted me to protect and care. I saw her crying near the cross. I saw the same pain I had in her eyes too. When I talked to her I came to know that she was Paul’s lover. He promised to marry her and today he married you. The gal who came through the same path from where I came from, who got hurt by thrones while plucking roses…
I truly wish that you and Paul, both won’t cheat each other. Wishing you a happy married life...” Nithin-feb 10