Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Salary


         Beep Beep..Rohit’s heartbeat also pounded when he listened to the message tone in his mobile.Yes; there came the most awaited message of his life. His 1st salary got credited. He opened the message with joy and finally there was 5digit balance in his account for the 1st time. He experienced the so called tears of happiness which he had seen only in Movies. Like every youngster it was his turn for a showoff and he proudly texted in his whatsapp group of friends “Hey guys, As promised today my treat at the Avenue, the costliest restaurant in the heart of the city .See you all @8 “.Till now he had gone only for treats and never gave one and he felt that was the most proudest moment for young men like him and Rohit left office to go and book the tables.
                He reached exactly opposite to the Avenue and suddenly his gaze fell upon an innocent face peeping out of a grill gate. A small kid was busy watching Avenue. That was not a special scene but still those eyes made his heart freeze and rewinded his memory tape. Down the memory lane there was a kid named Rohit who used to stare out of his orphanage Gate to see how the world outside looked like. What different dresses people wore and food they ate.He used to see friends going to the restaurant and order the most yummiest of foods.Once it happened when he decided to be shameful and asked a guy outside the gate to buy him one of his favorite ice creams. The bad words he heard from that guy caused a wound in his little heart which resulted in sleepless nights.And that was when he realized that he had made a mistake.It was not supposed to be this way.Then he didn’t need a second thought for him to pick his mobile and texted his friend “Sorry Guys, treat is cancelled due to personal emergency” and opened the orphanage gate.